The Heroic Journey through the first Two Discworld Novels
Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series serves as a major parody and love letter to heroic high fantasy fiction. In this way, the hero’s journey is expressed in most of the Discworld novel and poked fun at with every opportunity. In the very first book of the series, the Colour of Magic, our main protagonist, the wizard Rincewind, is beyond the reluctant hero. From the very start of his journey to almost the very end of the next book he vehemently refuses the call to adventure at every opportunity, only to be swept up in a journey he wanted no part in anyway. Throughout his journey, Rincewind receives a variety of magical and supernatural aid. Many times he is aided by an indestructible treasure chest with an appetite for destruction, other times he is aided by the direct intervention of Gods, and at the end he retrieves and wields his metaphorical ‘sword...