The Future
I have a rather dim view of the future. I fear that towards the end of my lifetime I may begin to see the adverse effects of manmade climate change, and be distraught that there will be nothing more I can do to help abate it. I don’t currently plan on having children, so at least I’ll be contributing (by not contributing) in some way. The grand high flying space adventures of science fiction, while grand, will remain only stories on paper. I don’t think we will be leaving the planet. Humanity is too self-centered for that, too focused on the here and now to worry about consequences that will be evident in the next century, despite seeing the clear warning signs today.
Beyond this, I am sure of nothing. It’s always amusing to read what people of the 1930s into the 1980s thought the future was going to be like. In many ways we progressed beyond their imaginations, inventing mini computers that act as both communication devices and ways to surf a global network of internet archives. In other ways, we, as humans, have stayed exactly the same. Instead of taking advantage of near limitless resources, we instead tend to fall victim to flashy headlines, fanciful stories, and outright lies about perceived cultural and political opponents.
I think the future is full of wonderful things, being used for underwhelming, or even terrible purposes.
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